Better benefit management.

PCM supports better benefit management with a suite of curated solutions that help you work more efficiently with reduced overhead and quicker turnaround.
Homepage graphic 3

Expert tools for benefits experts.

I need support with . . .

File Management

File Management

Home page posts Managing files Warehousing data
Securely transmit, track, and warehouse claims and eligibility data.
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Contract Auditing

Contract Auditing

Home page posts Automating Rx RFP Managing Rx rebates Repricing claims Validating contract pricing
Validate contracted agreements with claim-by-claim review.
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PCM Rx Savings

PCM Rx Savings

Home page posts Containing plan costs Growing and scaling Reducing Rx costs
Reduce plan costs with more affordable therapeutic alternatives.
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Management Platform

Management Platform

Home page posts Automating Rx RFP Comparing Rx contracts Growing and scaling Managing files Managing my workload Monitoring plan data Simplifying renewals Streamlining plan reporting
Optimize plan management with PCM's Interactive Platform.
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Rx Analytics

Rx Analytics

Home page posts Monitoring plan data Validating contract pricing
Manage and validate Rx spend with data visibility.
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Medical Analytics

Medical Analytics

Home page posts Containing plan costs Monitoring plan data
Aggregate medical plan data for actionable insights.
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Plan Insights

Plan Insights

Home page posts Containing plan costs Enriching plan data Monitoring plan data
Enable informed plan decisions with claims-level Rx and medical insights.
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Clinical Review

Clinical Review

Home page posts Containing plan costs Simplifying renewals
Identify and act on high-cost specialty medications with model-based care.
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Member Engagement

Member Engagement

Home page posts Containing plan costs Growing and scaling Managing my workload
Enhance high-level participant benefits with supplemental solutions.
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Data Enrichment

Data Enrichment

Home page posts Enriching plan data Managing my workload Monitoring plan data Streamlining plan reporting
Improve data accuracy by integrating industry-standard data.
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Cost Containment

Cost Containment

Home page posts Containing plan costs Growing and scaling Simplifying renewals
Support plan financial sustainability with bolt-on solutions.
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Rebate Management

Rebate Management

Home page posts Comparing Rx contracts Managing Rx rebates
Identify lowest net-cost rebates and focus on improved clinical outcomes.
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Market Benchmarking

Market Benchmarking

Home page posts Automating Rx RFP Comparing Rx contracts Managing Rx rebates Repricing claims Simplifying renewals
Compare multiple pricing structures to simplify contract procurement.
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Data Monitoring

Data Monitoring

Home page posts Growing and scaling Managing files Monitoring plan data
Proactively review and evaluate your data and its quality.
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Full-Suite Reporting

Full-Suite Reporting

Home page posts Growing and scaling Simplifying renewals Streamlining plan reporting
Customize plan reports to streamline plan management.
Read More

Why PCM?

Your goal is to streamline benefit management. Our goal is to support you.

PCM’s experts are developing solutions designed to support brokers, consultants, TPAs, and self-insured plans in their goal: containing costs, engaging participants, and reducing overhead.

Designed For Experts Like You


PCM’s cutting-edge technology scales to fit your BOB, simplifying your management processes and streamlining your resources.

Homepage Experts Less Work

Less Work

Simplify traditional benefit management processes with automated files tracking, claim repricing, and reporting, leaving you more time to grow your business.

Better Service

Provide your clients with meaningful, validated results: roll-up and client-specific reports, transparent claim-level analysis, and customizable cost-containment solutions.

Higher Returns

Replace hours of customer support with sales. Grow your business with benefit management strategies that keep you competitive.

Automation puts claims data to work.


The process is simple.

Home Complimentary Analysis 1

Complimentary Analysis

We aggregate all of your plan or BOB data into one place, so you can see the whole picture.

Home Expert Evaluation 1



Our team guides you through plan-specific insights that support your management strategy. 

Home Select Supplemental Solutions 1

Supplemental Solutions

Explore our solutions, from data monitoring to pharmacy savings, to boost your competitiveness.

Analytics Med Ana Optimize plan design



We don’t just provide a platform. We support you with ongoing, real-time service.

Better benefit management.

PCM supports better benefit management with a suite of curated solutions that help you work more efficiently with reduced overhead and quicker turnaround.

Expert Tools for Benefit Experts

Benefit Plan Analytics

Including Rx and medical analytics, data monitoring, file management, and plan reporting.

Management Platform

Management Platform

Optimize plan management with PCM’s Interactive Platform.

Rx Analytics

Rx Analytics

Validate contracted agreements with claim-by-claim review.

Medical Analytics

Medical Analytics

Aggregate medical plan data for actionable insights.

Benefit Insight

Plan Insights

Enable informed plan decisions with claims-level Rx and medical insights.

File Management

File Management

Securely transmit, track, and warehouse claims and eligibility data.

Data Enrichment

Data Enrichment

Improve data accuracy by integrating industry-standard data.

Data monitoring

Data Monitoring

Proactively review and evaluate your data and its quality.

Full Suite Reporting

Full-Suite Reporting

Customize plan reports to streamline plan management.

Contract Validation & Repricing

Including market benchmarking, contract performance and audit, and rebate management.

Contract Review 1

Contract Auditing

Validate contracted agreements with claim-by-claim review.

Management Platform

Management Platform

Optimize plan management with PCM’s Interactive Platform. 

Market Benchmarking

Market Benchmarking

Compare multiple pricing structures to simplify contract procurement.

Rebate Management

Rebate Management

Identify lowest net-cost rebates and focus on improved clinical outcomes. 

Full Suite Reporting

Full-Suite Reporting

Customize plan reports to streamline plan management.

Containing Plan Costs

Including pharmacy savings, clinical engagement, plan insights, and rebate management.

Clinical Review

Clinical Review

Identify and act on high-cost specialty medications with model-based care.

Cost Containment 1

Cost Containment

Support plan financial sustainability with bolt-on solutions.

PCM Rx Savings

PCM Rx Savings

Reduce plan costs with more affordable therapeutic alternatives.

Clinical Review

Member Engagement

Enhance high-level participant benefits with suplemental solutions.

Management Platform

Management Platform

Optimize plan management with PCM’s Interactive Platform.

Full Suite Reporting

Full-Suite Reporting

Customize plan reports to streamline plan management.

Rebate Management

Rebate Management

Identify lowest net-cost rebates and focus on improved clinical outcomes.

Benefit Insight

Plan Insights

Enable informed plan decisions with claims-level Rx and medical insights.

Managing My BOB

Including interactive management platform, full-suite reporting, and market benchmarking.

Market Benchmarking

Market Benchmarking

Compare multiple pricing structures to simplify contract procurement.

Cost Containment 1

Cost Containment

Support plan financial sustainability with bolt-on solutions.

PCM Rx Savings

PCM Rx Savings

Reduce plan costs with more affordable therapeutic alternatives.

Clinical Review

Member Engagement

Enhance high-level participant benefits with suplemental solutions.

Management Platform

Management Platform

Optimize plan management with PCM’s Interactive Platform.

Full Suite Reporting

Full-Suite Reporting

Customize plan reports to streamline plan management.

File Management

File Management

Securely transmit, track, and warehouse claims and eligibility data. 

Health Plan Reporting

Including dynamic report builder, data enrichment, and interactive reporting platform.

Full Suite Reporting

Full-Suite Reporting

Customize plan reports to streamline plan management.

Data Enrichment

Data Enrichment

Improve data accuracy by integrating industry-standard data.

Data Enrichment

Data Monitoring

Proactively review and evaluate your data and its quality.

Management Platform

Management Platform

Optimize plan management with PCM’s Interactive Platform.

Why PCM?

Your goal is to streamline benefit management. Our goal is to support you.

PCM’s experts are developing solutions designed to support brokers, consultants, TPAs, and self-insured plans in their goal: containing costs, engaging participants, and reducing overhead.

Designed For Experts Like You


PCM’s cutting-edge technology scales to fit your BOB, simplifying your management processes and streamlining your resources.

Homepage Experts Less Work

Less Work

Simplify traditional benefit management processes with automated files tracking, claim repricing, and reporting, leaving you more time to grow your business.

Better Service

Provide your clients with meaningful, validated results: roll-up and client-specific reports, transparent claim-level analysis, and customizable cost-containment solutions.

Higher Returns

Replace hours of customer support with sales. Grow your business with benefit management strategies that keep you competitive.

Automation puts claims data to work.


The process is simple.

Home Complimentary Analysis 1

Complimentary Analysis

We aggregate all of your plan or BOB data into one place, so you can see the whole picture.

Home Expert Evaluation 1



Our team guides you through plan-specific insights that support your management strategy. 

Home Select Supplemental Solutions 1

Supplemental Solutions

Explore our solutions, from data monitoring to pharmacy savings, to boost your competitiveness.

Analytics Med Ana Optimize plan design



We don’t just provide a platform. We support you with ongoing, real-time service.

See how PCM supports you.

Ready to learn more?

PCM provides the visibility, insights, and tools you need. Want proof? Click here to schedule a demo.

Complete the form below. A member of our team will be in touch shortly.

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© 2023 by Prescription Care Management

Prescription Care Management logo. Better benefit management.

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Rx Benefit Plan Services

Clinical Engagement

Report Builder




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